Poetic journeys of shadow and light

SAT. 14:30 中山堂光復廳
王榆鈞 Yujun Wang|台灣
Inês Vaz|葡萄牙
SUN. 14:30 中山堂中正廳
流浪合作計劃2017|MMF Project 2017
嬉鳥樂集Songbirds Collective|加/美/英
王榆鈞 Yujun Wang
|台灣 Taiwan
Born in 1982, Wang Yujun is on a constant pursuit to connect poetry and song, with a background in drama and theater that lends a unique tilt to her work as a singer-songwriter. Her songs, sung mostly in Mandarin Chinese, are intricately woven pieces, both sonically and lyrically. Yujun uses the wide expressive range of her voice to tell her stories, whether it's a meditation on the ineffable or an ode expressing infinite awe for the tiniest moments in life.
Yujun's latest album with her group TIMEr, "Abandoned Garden" won the Best Folk Album Award at the Golden Indie Awards, Taiwan's major prize for independent artists. For her performance at MMF this year, Yujun is preparing a new repertoire that draws inspiration from poets such as Adonis and Yang Mu.