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She sings independence



SAT. 19:00  臺北中山堂中正廳

Sahra Halgan Trio|非洲索馬利蘭


北地女聲 Golbma Jiena|挪威、瑞典 


Sahra Halgan Trio

|索馬利蘭   Somaliland


1988年戰爭爆發,Sahra作為醫護人員挺進前線,更在戰亂中獻聲為獨立建國而戰的傷兵,獲得「鬥士」(Halgan)的稱號。1992年,Sahra被迫因戰亂逃離家鄉至法國里昂。在她思鄉的歌謠中,Sahra唱出離家與戰亂的悲情,真實代表家鄉的遭遇。身為政治難民,她持續為家國的獨立歌唱,並與兩位法國音樂家組成Sahra Halgan Trio,為索馬利蘭的獨立、音樂與文化巡迴演出。

離鄉二十年,Sahra終於回到祖國,艱辛返鄉的旅程被拍攝成紀錄片《SAHRA HALGAN Returns to SOMALILAND》,將於音樂節Sahra Halgan Trio現場演出前首度在台灣播映。

Singer Sahra Halgan hails from a country that is not recognized internationally, Somaliland. After having worked as a nurse for the Red Cross during Somalia's civil war, Sahra fled to Europe in 1992 and settled in Lyon, France, living there for 20 years. Since then, she has carved out a career as the rare, if not the only, musician from Somaliland working on the world music circuit. With her trio, guitarist Mael Salettes and percussionist Aymeric Krol, Sahra performs both original and traditional music from her homeland, with its Middle Eastern and East African influences. Her self-penned lyrics recount personal stories of Somaliland and the civil war, and she does not shy away from singing about one issue she is passionate about: Somaliland's independence in the face of international isolation.


In recent years, Sahra returned to Somaliland to live in the capital, Hargeisa, where she runs an arts and culture center and continues her own work as a singer.

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