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Beauty in the breath of the bellows



SAT. 14:30  中山堂光復廳

王榆鈞 Yujun Wang|台灣


Inês Vaz|葡萄牙


SUN. 14:30  中山堂中正廳

流浪合作計劃2017|MMF Project 2017

嬉鳥樂集Songbirds Collective|加/美/英 

Inês Vaz

|葡萄牙 Portugal


年紀輕輕,她已經累積與許多葡萄牙樂人合奏錄音與巡演的經驗,包括擔任葡萄牙最知名樂團Gulbenkian Orchestra的手風琴獨奏。除此之外,她也實驗個人計劃,在文學與城市景觀中收集靈感,探求更多可能性。

Inês曾經於《2016小流浪》受大大樹之邀來台演出,時任里斯本街頭女歌手Dona Rosa巡迴世界的的手風琴手。伴奏角色不掩她的高超技巧,獨特音樂性和舞台魅力深受觀眾高度好評。



Lisbon-born accordionist Inês Vaz has trained most of her life, having started at the age of six with her teacher José António Sousa. Well-versed in both Classical and contemporary styles, including jazz, Inês has recorded and performed with many Portuguese artists, including the beloved Dona Rosa. She also serves as composer and producer to the group Raiz, and is a soloist for one of Portugal's most important groups, the Gulbenkian Orchestra. Inês' first solo project is currently in the works.

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